The Danube Exhibition presented initiatives and projects, networks and institutions from the Danube area:
ARGE Donau Österreich
Introduction of the ARGE Donau Österreich, a network for the promotion of the Danube as a fundamental Austrian tourism offer, and its form of cooperation. Presentation of products, promotional material and international activities, such as the membership with the DCC (Danube Competence Center) and the ARGE Straße der Kaiser und Könige.
CEEPUS – Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies
CEEPUS works on the basis of university networks, with currently more than 1000 institutions involved, operating joint programs ideally leading to joint degrees, esp. joint doctoral programs. CEEPUS covers mobility grants for students and teachers in this framework. All academic fields are represented and considerable success has been achieved in many cases.Most importantly, CEEPUS promotes enthusiasm in regjonal cooperation.
danube connects – magazine for the danube countries
danube connects is the first international print magazine for all danube countries. It shows the development and cooperation in the danube countries, oriented to the need for independent information about the EUSDR and Southeastern Europe. danube connects is issued by the Ulm section of European Journalists Association (EJ). The magazine also offers a daily updated Facebook-Page, news on Twitter and an online information platform.
Danube-INCO.NET – Advancing Research and Innovation in the Danube Region
Danube-INCO.NET supports the implementation of the EUSDR in the field of research and innovation. The FP7 funded project presents its web-platform and databases and informs about upcoming events, such as workshops to support the implementation of the European Research Area and the Innovation Union, networking conferences or pilot activities addressing energy / bio-economy challenges. The project will conduct analysis on R&I; cooperation and policies as well as provide support to the implementation of Danube Transfer Centers, S3 and eventual joint funding.
DANUBE LIMES BRAND – Expansion of the UNESCO World Heritage into the Lower Danube
The Roman Limes is the largest single cultural heritage monument in Europe approved as a multinational “Frontiers of the Roman Empire World Heritage Site”. The Danube Limes forms an impressive archaeological landscape with hundreds of individual monuments, telling the vibrant story of the Roman frontiers centuries-long evolution and culture. The joint mission is to protect the monuments for future generations, to increase education opportunities for the local population and support tourism through transnational cooperation in a sustainable use of cultural heritage.
Danube Sturgeons: Ambassadors of healthy rivers
In the frame of Priority Area 6 of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, conservation efforts for five Danube sturgeon species are coordinated through the Danube Sturgeon Task Force. The exhibition shall utilise the magnificence of these animals to draw attention to the most pressing problems threatening their survival in the Danube: loss of habitats, continuity interruptions, poaching.
Discover the Danube
The stand will present the Danube Competence Center (DCC) and its partners’ tourism portfolio. DCC works to build and support networks of tourism stakeholders from the whole Danube region by investing in people and skills, enhancing transnational cooperation and promoting mutual interests. Visitors will learn more about the Destination Danube, its features and touristic attractions under the themes of cultural, active and nature tourism. We will also introduce our cultural Routes, the “Roman Emperors” and the “Danube Wine Route” increasing the destinations’ visibility and relevance on the local level.
eGovernance for the EU Danube Region
The stand will present planned projects and activities of a new capacity building initiative for the development of eGovernance and transforming of the EU Digital Agenda into the area of the EU Danube Strategy.
EUROGI. Geographical Information – a Key to Integrating, Managing, Analysing and Presenting Data in the Catchment Area
The stand will highlight the fact that location information (GI) can provide the basis for linking virtually all datasets in the catchment area. This capacity to link data from diverse thematic areas, the analytical capacities of GIS, the non-expert user-friendly interfaces provided by geo-browsers, the capacity to test alternative development/conservation options on the road to implementing policies in the catchment area, and the ability to undertake monitoring and review together make GI and associated geo-technologies an indispensible ‘must have’ tool in planning and development of the catchment area.
European Economic and Social Committee
At the exhibition, we present the relevant opinions issued by the European Economic and Social Committee on the macro regional strategies and the role of the EESC as a representative of the civil society on European level.
Financial and technical assistance opportunities for project development in the Danube Region
The team of Priority Area 10 will present you three types of support for your project: (1) TAF-DRP – Technical Assistance Facility: experts help project promoters prepare a project application, a pre-feasibility study, or to find the right funding option. (2) START – Danube Region Project Fund: Project partners receive small scale „seed money“ to help in the preparation or initial implementation phase.
(3) Danube Financing Dialogue: match-making opportunities between SMEs and financiers (banks, funding programmes, etc).
At the stand you can also find out about support mechanisms from the Budapest Danube Contact Point and the Joint Research Centre.
Full steam ahead for a competitive Danube!
The stand covers a wide range of Danube related aspects, from education and training of nautical personnel and implementation of harmonized certification standards, to management of Danube infrastructure, RIS services, waste management and integration of inland navigation into the international logistic transport chain. It is a joint enterprise of three exhibiting organizations: Romanian Maritime Training Centre CERONAV, River Administration of the Lower Danube and Maritime Danube Ports Administration.
GREEN PARTNERSHIPS for sustainable energy efficiency in Mediterranean regions
The project GREEN PARTNERSHIPS is addressing the contribution of local communities to the achievement of the EU decarbonisation objectives. In municipalities, the local public authorities are responsible for setting up their frameworks for efficient energy management by taking into account local potentials for sustainable development. The project’s aim is to support local administrations to overcome obstacles and effectively implement measures. Sustainable solutions will be implemented by creating local partnerships between owners, suppliers and final users of these initiatives.
i.e. SMART – The SMART Innovation Network for New Generation Enterprises
The presentation will show and tell how the CENTRAL EUROPE ERDF co-financed project “i.e. SMART” (www.ie-smart.eu) initiated and implemented a transnational network of competence centres (SMART points) to train hundreds of young entrepreneurs in the economic areas of ICT, the Creative Industries, and Green Economy. It will include the presentation of a 3-D state of the art interactive digital platform (SMART site) to promote entrepreneurial thinking and training.
Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM)
Founded in 1953, the IDM is an extramural research institution based on an association with its head office in Vienna. As a gateway and a facilitator institution, the IDM makes an important contribution to cooperation in the fields of research, culture, politics, economics and administration. The IDM sees itself as a clearinghouse for concerns of the Danube Region, Central and Southeast Europe, supporting the work of embassies, trade missions, cultural institutes and national tourist offices of the respective countries in Austria, as well as the work of Austrian missions to these countries.
Lifeguides and Learning Journeys. Innovative approaches for a sustainable future to enhance the Danube Strategy
The ThinkCamp learning journeys are an innovative form of non-formal learning for sustainable development. The exhibition will give insights in the development, implementation and results of the prototypes of the dunaVision “Caravan of Change 2013”, a 7-months learning journey through 14 countries, the dunaVision Balkan Summit of sustainable development and the Vision Walk in Macedonia. Furthermore the concepts of “Lifeguides” and “storytelling”, the human centered core of the learning journeys; the Learner-x, a knowledge based alternative currency, and the story matcher – a surprise – will be introduced.
The Making of World Art along the Danube: European Identity through Migration and Culture Evolution
Living conditions along the Danube have allowed for intellectual activity and an existential dialog with nature through symbolic processes and artistic depictions of ideas and concepts throughout the millennia. The Venus figurines, human-animal hybrid Lion Man and mammoth figurines as well as the invention of musical instruments found along this mighty river all attest to this development. Interrupted by the next period of climatic cooling, modern man started to migrate eastward along the Danube and then back, leaving behind traces of Gravettian, Magdalenian and Neolithic cultures.
Multi-Country Regional Cooperation on Entrepreneurial Learning as the best practice example and Danube Flagship Project
The South East European Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (SEECEL) is a regional institution established on the initiative of eight pre-accession countries with the aim of developing the entrepreneurial capacity and competitiveness of human capital. SEECEL’s mission is to work on systematic development of life-long entrepreneurial learning as a key competence, in line with policies and practice of the European Union, implemented through structured regional cooperation. SEECEL´s vision is to foster entrepreneurial-friendly environments and strengthen the mind-sets for building entrepreneurially literate societies that lead to sustainable economic growth. As PA8 flagship project SEECEL welcomes other Danube region countries to join its activities as well.
PA5 in practice: Common trans-boundary implementation of the Flood Directive in the Upper-Tisza Region
In the past ten years Hungary and the Ukraine have developed a joint Upper-Tisza flood monitoring and alert system. The two parties have agreed in 2013 to further develop the system; they declared that under the umbrella of the EU Floods Directive a joint Hungarian-Ukrainian Flood Protection Development Program must be established containing 22 project components. At the exhibition past achievements and the planned Development Program for the Danube-basin countries will be presented as a good practice of a common trans-boundary flood protection action.
Powering Europe
The stand will present and introduce the latest achievements and publications of the Energy Priority Area of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.
Rowmania, a Danube connection proposal
Understanding the Danube’s natural and cultural heritage implies a strong, personal connection between humans, local tradition and innovation. The “Ivan Patzaichin – Mila 23” Association will contribute to the exhibition with images and information material presenting the Danube Delta Nature Reserve and its culture. Rowmania is the brand of the “Ivan Patzaichin – Mila 23” Association, which develops tourism products, campaigns for rowing and ecotourism, social entrepreneurship and sustainable development programs in the Danube Delta and other protected natural areas.
Silver Lake – The Pearl of the Danube
The Silver Lake is located in North-Eastern Serbia, near Veliko Gradište at the very entrance to the Iron Gate, surrounded by attractive archaeological sites such as Viminacium, Golubačka and Ram fortresses, and Lepenski Vir. Silver Lake offers unforgettable moments to tourists, campers, fishermen, and water sports lovers. Improved drinking water supply of Veliko Gradište municipality and additional protection of Silver Lake water quality will increase the quality of the overall tourist offer at one of the most visited tourist destinations in Serbia, as well as the local people’s quality of life.
SONDAR – appreciation, sustainability, responsibility. Sustainable Operations Network in the Danube Region
SONDAR is to strengthen the performance of social enterprises under the aspect of sustainability, because their work in general is a type of regional economic activity with a social component. It is the aim to expand cooperation of enterprises, public clients and social enterprises, and to develop sustainable products and services of high quality, and to further their marketability. The project is effective in all dimensions of social, economic and ecological sustainability.
The South-East Europe Programme
Presentation of the main results achieved by projects of the South East Europe (SEE) Programme strongly linked to the Danube Strategy aims and priority areas. Around 20 SEE projects, among the 122 approved in the four calls for proposals launched by the SEE Programme, will present their activities and achievements through different dissemination materials.
ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation: Projects in the Danube Region
The Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) is a scientific institute and a not-for profit association based in Vienna. ZSI implements projects in the field of research, policy advice and network co-ordination in various regions worldwide. Visit ZSI‘s exhibition stand in the Danube Cosmos and gain an insight into ZSI‘s projects and expertise in the Danube Region!